An unfortunate development finds George’s new rail station under threat. Despite Agnes’ warnings, Marian continues to see Mr. Raikes, who lays his ambitions bare. Peggy learns that a publisher is interested in her stories. At a talk given by Clara Barton, Ada reunites with a childhood friend. Oscar grows attached to his plan, while Jack invites Bridget to a show.
Event Year: 2022
Face the Music
An unfortunate development finds George’s new rail station under threat. Despite Agnes’ warnings, Marian continues to see Mr. Raikes, who lays his ambitions bare. Peggy learns that a publisher is interested in her stories. At a talk given by Clara Barton, Ada reunites with a childhood friend. Oscar grows attached to his plan, while Jack invites Bridget to a show.
Money Isn't Everything
Tom Raikes’ visit to New York delights Marian but worries aunt Agnes. An increasingly desperate Peggy seeks legal advice from Mr. Raikes, George takes steps to further his latest business plans, Oscar van Rhijn homes in on young Gladys Russell, and a charity bazaar becomes the source of a dramatic stand after Bertha is slighted.
The Swan
1979. Businessman Jerry Buss stakes his fortune on the purchase of the NBA’s lackluster Los Angeles Lakers. Meanwhile, the team’s head coach, Jerry West, bristles at the prospect of drafting college phenom Earvin Johnson – who must decide if he’s ready to live up to the mantle of his nickname: Magic.
Flower of Life
With the Walgreens deadline looming, Elizabeth and Sunny scramble to find solutions to their technological failures. Ian is drawn into Elizabeth’s lawsuit against Richard.
Old White Men
Walgreens is enticed by Elizabeth to seal the deal on a new partnership with Theranos. Ian tries to investigate what’s going on behind closed doors.
A mysterious force knocks the moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurtling on a collision course with life as we know it.
A mysterious force knocks the moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurtling on a collision course with life as we know it.
The Swan
1979. Businessman Jerry Buss stakes his fortune on the purchase of the NBA’s lackluster Los Angeles Lakers. Meanwhile, the team’s head coach, Jerry West, bristles at the prospect of drafting college phenom Earvin Johnson – who must decide if he’s ready to live up to the mantle of his nickname: Magic.
Green Juice
As Theranos rapidly expands, Elizabeth’s technology struggles to keep pace and members of the board become increasingly wary of her secretive behavior. Sunny considers joining the company.