Show: Murder on Middle Beach
A four-part documentary series revolving around the case of single mother Barbara Hamburg, who was brutally murdered in 2010 near her home in the upper-middle class enclave of Madison, Connecticut. The series presents first-time filmmaker Madison Hamburg’s complicated journey as a young man determined to solve an unspeakable crime and absolve the people he loves, while looking for answers within his fractured family and community.
Tables & Rooms
Madison investigates the parts of his family that have been kept in the shadows, and explores the fallout of his mother’s and aunts’ involvement in the “Gifting Tables”—a multi-level marketing scheme that aimed to uplift women but, as it grew exponentially, evolved into something more insidious.
Mom's Dead
Following the brutal and unsolved murder of his mother Barbara back in 2010, Madison Hamburg returns to his hometown of Madison, Connecticut to piece together her life story. Through interviews with those who knew Barbara best, Madison dives into his parents’ divorce and the unsettling details of his mother’s life that were kept under wraps.