Show: Legendary
The fabulous HBO Max original reality competition series Legendary follows legit voguing Houses, some established, some new to the scene, as they compete for the largest ballroom grand prize ever: $100,000. This season kicks off with the iconic Houses of Escada, Ebony, Ninja, Gucci, West, St. Laurent, Lanvin, and Balmain in a heated, jaw-dropping competition to secure the bag and claim legendary status. Hosted by MC Dashaun Wesley, with beats by DJ MikeQ, each new episode finds these chosen family units facing off in fashion and dance challenges that culminate in nightly "Superior House" designations, while judges Law Roach, Jameela Jamil, Leiomy Maldonado, and Megan Thee Stallion determine who has what it takes to move forward, and who gets chopped.
Slay-Ground Play-Ground
The remaining three houses head back to school for a playground-themed ball. Later, duos duckwalk and catwalk in a baton pass before one member struts down the runway while incorporating a hop, skip, and a jump.
Hot in the Shade
It’s all fun in the sun until the houses throw shade in a beachy all-house performance before sending their sexiest sirens down the runway. Then, houses face off in a hand and arm control-focused challenge.
This season’s first moneyball sees the houses attempt to enchant the judges with fairytale-inspired performances, synchronized formations, and innovative new stunts.
Mission Impossiball
The houses suit up to serve soft and sensual vogueing for a heist-themed ball before selecting one member to perform the original style of vogue.
Ballroom meets martial arts as the houses level up anime-style fight scenes with fierce looks and a ballroom element assigned by the reigning champs.
Whorror House
Things get spooky as the seven remaining houses deliver terrifying productions highlighting the element of hands – and send their “butch” queens down the runway in drag.
Animal Queendom
In the animal queendom, who will reign supreme? To find out, the judges hunt for the best dramatic vogue performance among the eight remaining houses – while each attempts a 360 dip for Leiomy.
Grand March (2)
Kiki is introduced to the Legendary stage as five more houses show up and show out in part two of the grand march.
Grand March (1)
In part one of the grand march, the houses of Labeija, Alpha Omega, Revlon, Makaveli and Lyght must execute the five major elements of vogue to secure a shot at $100,000.