A Cricket's Tale

We get to see a typical day in Cricket’s world and then a possible redemption when his family intervenes. Will Cricket finally move on from the gang, finding love in the process? Will Cricket go from filthy beast to his former self, Matthew Mara?


Dee dates a male stripper and tries to prove her worth after learning she’s his “rock bottom.” Elsewhere, Mac and Frank get sucked into a VR war game, leading Mac to develop a case of PTSD.

Old Lady House: A Situation Comedy

Charlie thinks Mac’s mom is holding his mom hostage, so the gang installs spy cameras in their house to monitor what’s going on. What they end up discovering is the moms are quite entertaining once Dennis makes some quick edits and adds a laugh track to the surveillance footage. Dee wants in on the new hit show, and Frank becomes obsessed with banging Charlie’s mom now that he’s seen her on TV.